Welcome to the Highland LAkes Amateur Radio Club

Our goal is to help our members and the public learn more about the hobby through the educational and scientific aspects of Amateur Radio.

HLARC Activities

Monday Morning Breakfast and Rag Chew (Rag Chew = Talk about, socialize) We have a great
fun get together every Monday morning at 0730hrs at the Super Taco restaurant in Marble
Falls.  All are welcome, you don’t have to be a member to attend.  The topic of conversation is
OPEN, yes there is radio talk but other topics from your most recent vacation to what you did
last week to what you’re going to do this week. 2200 HWY 281 N, Marble Falls, TX 78654,

Wednesday Coffee Club in Marble Falls – Every Wednesday is coffee casual at the Daisy
Coffee Company.  It’s pretty similar to the Monday breakfast at the Super Taco, but,,, mostly
coffee.  It starts at 0800hrs.  All are welcome of course. 906 Ave J, Marble Falls, TX 78654
Fox Hunt – We’re going to be starting this activity this year.  A Fox Hunt is where a low power
simple beacon transmitter is hidden in a public area, (city or state park, maybe a member’s
property, etc.) and hunters, using simple homing type equipment, challenge each other in
teams or individual to track down the radio signal.  This is a good way to practice your
interference locating skills.

POTA – Parks on the Air, is where a group of members, and guests, all meet at a City/State Park
with their radio equipment and setup to transmit and receive, creating “contacts” that you can
actually gain points for.  Of course it’s fun to bring along a BBQ, Food, beverages and enjoy the
park as well.  These will be scheduled throughout 2024.  There is even talk this year of
descending into a cave and contacting from below the surface of the earth! 
Member Open House – We’ll see how this goes but there has been some interest in scheduling
some Member Open Houses, where a member welcomes the club to attend an open house at
their place to show off their radio equipment, ham shack, and maybe other toys to the club.
Stay tuned for more on this one.

Field Day / Summer BBQ/Picnic – Field Day, this is sponsored by ARRL…  and is where the
club/s around North America meet at a location to setup all their gear and make contacts with
each other to gain and be award points.  Other criteria is considered as well, Solar Power, GOTA
(Gateways on the air) station for new HAMS to gain credit/points, etc.  We should have a BBQ,
Beverages, Yard Games and a good ‘ole fashion Summer Family Reunion type atmosphere
where all, club and non-club members are welcome.  Come see operators in action! Get info
and/or join the club, families are welcome.

Monthly Meeting / Swap Meet-Potluck – The monthly meeting has some of the required chat
for non-profit clubs, Minutes, treasurer’s report, etc. We get through this pretty quick to get to
the fun part.  Talking about maybe what upgrades we’ve done to the repeater or other
equipment, introduction of new members, an interesting program either from a member or an
invited guest, followed by lots of fun talking and socializing!  The meeting is the Last Friday of
every month other than November and December when we enjoy the holidays and of course in
December we have our annual Christmas Party at a local restaurant.  The location Marble Falls
EMS, 609 Industrial Blvd, Marble Falls 1830hrs.

Christmas Party – This years Christmas part is in the planning. We are currently looking for the


Be Sure to email us with questions at Info@HLARC.org